A clear, bright complexion radiates health and youth and who doesn’t desire having luminous skin.
It is a fact that after our teens the rate of skin cell growth slows down and gradually it becomes important for us to take extra care of our skin to keep it alive and glowing.
Although there are numerous of skin care products available to us, but if you fall short in taking right care of your skin then even the most exclusive of products cannot provide you with a lustrous skin.
It is very important to maintain regular care of your skin to always keep it glowing. Here are some tips to get a radiant skin:
Clean Your Skin
It is always beneficial to clean your skin once you get back home.
In a day we are exposed to many elements like sun, wind, and pollutants, which can chunk the pores of our skin. All this leads to the gradual damage of our skin. Those who apply heavy make-up must remember to take it off after returning from work. The easiest way to clean your skin is to dip the cotton ball either in milk or almond oil and wipe your skin.
Healthy Diet
It Is true to say that whatever we eat, shows on our skin. Eating too much of junk and fatty foods like pizzas, chocolates and candies are reckoned as the worse enemies of skin. Your diet should involve healthy nutrient intake with loads of water everyday. Drink at least 7-8 glasses of water daily to keep the skin hydrated.
Regular Exercise
By exercise it doesn’t mean that you have to go to the gym or aerobic classes.
You can always do little exercise like running, walking or jogging or even playing any outdoor sport that involves movement of body. Make exercise a part of your daily routine.
Avoid Exposure to Sun
Sunrays can prove to be very harmful for the skin. They could cause blemishes and impulsive wrinkles on your skin. Try an avoid exposing yourself to the harsh sunrays. For those who cannot avoid the scorching heat of sun must wear sunglasses or hats every time they go out.
You must also apply a good sunscreen with a higher SPF.
Avoid Extreme Use of Cosmetics
Overweening use of cosmetics and beauty products could cause an adverse effect to your healthy skin. Many of the cosmetics products contain hazardous chemicals, which can lead to skin allergies and even skin cancer. It is advisable to reduce the undue use of cosmetics.
Avoid Stress
The most important way to keep your skin healthy and glowing is to stay cheerful. Avoid stress and fatigue in whatever possible way you can. Do not exert yourself in every little situation, as this would also reflect on your skin. A way to healthy skin is through healthy mind.
Lastly, you should uphold a healthy lifestyle. Refrain from cigarettes and alcohol. These are sure to cause many kind of skin problem like pimples, blotches and wrinkles.