Aside the generous make-up offer, investments and choices for your beauty are determined by the type of skin.
And because no skin is perfect, Stiletto offers six choices of make up foundation, each with particular features:
Fluid one, destined for normal skin, provides your tan with a natural look, a transparent texture.
Nourishing creamy type foundation contains nutritive substances appropriate for dry skin.
Compact or 3 in 1, recommended for all skin types, is a foundation composed of small powder particles, which render great coverage power to the product.
It is recommended if your skin is oily that you use a mat foundation, applied only with a sponge.
Used by make up professionals, camouflage foundation, is ideal for covering skin imperfections like marks, spots, malls.
Green colored foundation, destined for the final touches, also covers red spots acne or little blood vessels.
Most definitely, every one of has have met difficulties in choosing the right foundation for our skin type. And clearly, we at least once chose a lighter or darker shade, and we definitely experienced trouble in correct and uniform application of the foundation.
In order to be able to avoid such issues in the future, here are some tips that we should know about foundation.
Before we start the details we must emphasize the fact that aside the esthetic role the foundation has, it also protects the skin against wind, sun, and other such natural seasonal phenomenon. It represents the protection barrier against all factors found in the environment, like dust, UV, smoke, free radicals, temperature variations, etc.
That is why it is very important that the foundation we choose is the right one for the type of skin we have
Normal skin is hydrated, smooth, has no open pores, nor other imperfections. To this particular type of skin, any type of foundation is recommended, or you can simply choose the one with the normal skin formula.
Mixed type of skin is the most common, it is characterized by the fact that the central aria of the face (forehead-nose – chin) has open pores, even irritated pores, as well as excessive sebum. The suitable foundation for such a skin type is the one with a fine texture, and at the same time with a great coverage power and capacity of making your skin mat, absorbing, hydrating and preferably with protection filter against sun rays.
Dry skin is very thin and has a premature tendency for wrinkles, fine lines and freckles. For this type of skin, you should use a special made foundation, which has the ability to prevent wrinkle forming and ensures the daily hydration for you skin.
Oily skin, not very common, is described by dilated pores, and some kind of non esthetic shine all over, not just in the T aria mentioned above. This type of skin needs regular and detailed attention. The right choice in this case is a mate foundation, with semitransparent texture which gives your skin a uniform look, and doesn’t over charge the pores.
The skin is your metabolism and life style mirror. The holidays are a pretty demanding period for the skin. Fat food and low fiber food, the after party exhaustion, spending a lot of time inside, the excesses over the vacation, they all have a reflection on our skin the pores of your skin get suffocated due to the lack of exercise and fresh air.
We recommend a cosmetic treatment which lasts half an hour. It refreshes your skin and cleans it deeply.