Laughing exercise is the best method for relaxing a face with tension. One can use the following exercise for toning the face muscles:
* For facial exercise, one should scrunch up the face, as the forehead furrowed, mouth and eyes are tightly closed and nose is wrinkled.
* Do vice versa. One should open the eyes and mouth.
* In this step, close the mouth and purse the lips. After this push, take the mouth up to the right and to the left.
* Open the eyes and grin ear to ear
* Again grin from ear to ear, but now tuck in chin for tighten the neck muscles.
Facial Exercise benefits
There are large numbers of benefits of different type of facial exercises. It can give strength to facial muscles. Muscles of face make skin smooth and firm by using facial exercises.
The main advantages of these exercises are bags under the eyes or puffiness. The muscles action may drain the lymph in body to accumulate. Wrinkles and facial lines are also removed by facial exercises. These exercise are also beneficial to improve circulation of blood and give radiant complexion.
Forehead exercise
* First of all, one should frown and bring eyebrows over the eyes with the help of fingers. Pull the eyebrows in this procedure and lift eyebrows during opening the eyes.
* After first step, one lies on bed comfortably and see ceiling for a few minutes. And then lift eyebrows upward with open eyes. Take rest and do again this activity about 8-10 times.
* One should sit properly and see straight for a few minutes. And start wrinkle nose and eyebrows down. And then start counting up to 10. Take rest for a few minutes and do again these activities for about 5-6 times.
Eyes exercise
* First of all, tone the muscles of eyes. At this time, give pressure to forehead from both sides of temple by using fingers. It should be done gently.
* In this step, close the eyes and sit in a right manner. Look first up and then down as one can see while closing the eyes. One should repeat this exercise for about 8-10 times.
* Sit properly and close eyes. And then lift eyebrows and carefully stretch eyelids up and down. One should repeat this eye exercise for 5-6 times.
* Before starting this exercise, sit upright and open eyes and be relaxed. Start exercise by lifting eyebrows and closing top of eyelids.
* Sit properly and open eyes as wide as one can and see straight. Then look up and down. One should repeat this exercise about 10 times.