It is your wedding day; you are wearing a tiara, gossamer and white vestments to be the bride today.The bride is the beauty queen. You have to plan your time, divide the obligations so that with one day before the wedding to rest only for you. Do not permit the stress to overwhelm you. Do not forget: it is your day! If you do not get to a beauty salon, it is not a problem. With some advice from this article, you will be in short time “queen of beauty”. Indifferently if you will be a romantic, classic, extravagant, or modern bride, the preparation is the same. The skin has to be prepared for a day; it is true, beautiful but long and tiring.
Cleaning the skin is the first step. If you do not have time for a steam bath use a warm compress with chamomile tea, followed by peeling.
To calm and relax the skin, boil a potato and after peeling rub it with some milk, add the yolk of an egg and a teaspoon of oil.
An invigorating mask is ready by mixing simple mayonnaise with a yolk of egg, some oil, and a few drops of lemon juice.
After this mask, you will have a delicate skin.
Ideal would be to have a bath in milk to velvet the skin mixed before with some water or you can add lavender for relaxing.
If a pimple is threatening you, dab it with a mix of lemon juice, onion juice or dab that place with juice from a garlic.
If you have a soft hair and with volume, you can use the next recipe: boil some beer and mix it with your shampoo that you are usually using.
Because it is a full day of kissing, you need a special treatment for lips. Before going to bed press with a soft toothbrush to remove the exfoliate parts, and after that apply some honey. The next day, you will have delicate lips and you will certainly feel them relaxed after such a sweet sleep.
The big day has come. A quick bath, do not forget to press your skin with a sponge or a special brush to have your blood in vein, followed by anointing your skin with a lotion or a hydrating cream.
A secret less known for calming the nervous system: press easy solar plexus with pure essence of lavender.
Now the makeup
For a romantic and dreaming bride it is suitable a natural and delicate makeup. The skin has to be transparent, that is why you should not use a foundation cream or a dark powder. Suitable nuances for a romantic makeup are from pink colors scale. The eyes will not be too much blushed only easy underlined with an eye pencil. The eyelids will be blushed with a darker nuance than pink with an elegant grey- silvery.
The blush should be in the same nuance with the eyes, and the lipstick like the bride’s bouquet. Under the eyebrows it is applied the blush in a pearl nuance. Of course, you do not forget to use eyeliner and mascara.