Before the start of make up
Before the start of make up
* You must choose well lighted area
* All make up tools and products you need should be besides you.
* Use a magnifying mirror to check smoothness and blending.
Cleansing :
Before applying make up, your face should be very well clean. Dust, grease, perspiration, dirt and bacteria are not removed from ordinary washing. For this, cleansing creams/scrubs are required. They go deeper into the pores and remove them thoroughly and clean the face.
1. Before applying cleansing cream make sure your hairs don’t stick to your face.
2. Apply cream in small quantities on cheeks, chin, neck and forehead.
3. Massage it gently by moving your palms little upward and downward, by paying proper attention to the creases of the nose, under the chin area, neck and ear lobes. Massage these small areas using your fingers.
4. By using the moist cotton remove the cream. Use of dry cotton should be avoided as it absorbs moisture from the skin.
5. Repeat this two to three times until and unless the tissue gets clean.
Posted By: Jaquish Marquina on Tag :
Make up