The eye pencil is,with the mascara,the foundation and the lip balm,one of the most used cosmetic product,one of the most popular make-up product.Every woman has at least one,because this little pencil can help you a lot when you don’t have time to make a real make-up.For example,if you are at school or to your job and you don’t wear any make-up,you are invited to a date or to an important meeting,what can you do?You can make a lot of kinds of make-up,you can make a natural and simple one,or a very complicated one.The only thing you need is the little eye pencil.In the market,you can find a variety of eye pencils,you can buy a very cheep one or a very expensive one.This depends of your buget and also depends a lot if you are a person which uses make-up.You can also choose a lot of colors,it a variety of colors,more then 12.You can wear the same color to the clothes and to the outline of your eyes,too.The eye pencil can be used also to make some body paintings,when you want something nice only for a day.
The application is very easy:you outline with the pencil your eye and after that you fix with some powder,but before you begin to outline,you should use some fire and met a little the pick of the pencil there.This is good especially if you r pencil was used by another person,in this way you elimine the microbes.But listen our advice and don’t barrow your eye pencil because it is not igienic.For a dramatic look,after you have met the pick to the fire,you can use a little water and in this case the eyes will be more intense.
If your hair is black,you can use colors like black,which is the most used color,or others like silver or brown.If you like the whitw pencil,you can use it with moderation because imagine how would you look with black hair and white eye make-up,like a porcelain.If you have red or brown hair,you can also use black,grey,but you must avoid blue and green,because the contrast is to strong.If you’re hair is blonde,you can use purple,black,green,blue and the color of gold.You must avoid white and silver because these colors are only for bronzed persons.
If you’re skin is a little bronzed,you can use gold and silver and every other color,the only colors you must avoid are white and black.You can use the pencil as eyeshadow and as a outline.If your eyes are near,you must put the accent in the outside of your eye to create the feeling of removing.If you’re eyes are distant,you must put accent in the inside of your eye.You must be carefull to the quality of the pencil because you can provoke a illness to your eye and those are very difficult to treat.